The outside dull and contained
Inside rattles a beatniks rage defiant of all
Mad and burning red
A non conformist means is all I need
To live free on the road with the trees
Pensacola to Austin
To mobile and Montgomery here for this time
Who knows where the fore lorn rags of time will take me
This is day and now
A padded box beneath the leaves
Blackness with nothing for me to see
Rustled in the tress a curious eye on me
Sees freedom and liberty for all and he knows not of life
beyond the pines and tress where grass doesn’t grow green
Breathing calmly in the breeze
Slowing a dying society thinks it can pull wild men to its
Illusioned and tainted fade to dust
Who seeks riches of a king
Searching to find a queen in the bars and alley ways
Veins and lungs
Lips and tongues
Lost dreams for ambitions
Stumbling down the branches and leaves all too often seen
A suit and ties death
Naive and pure for positivity and wealth
Jaded and poor with all the beatniks shall lie dying bearded
and wild
Among the misperceived freed