Friday, May 16, 2014


I arrived to the party and looked around the at the faces in this basement
A sofa next to a keg and filled with some snoody beer
I have grown to like
Working around others who like micro-brews
I sat down and time after time someone would sit next to me and I would get to know them
Time after time
I was present in each conversation
Present amongst my inebriation from beer and other things
I looked into their eyes and saw the torrential horrors that devastated their youth
The abuses
The mistreatments
The heartache
The pain and their suffering
I could see it all as their heart pounding against the walls of their chest
The echo pierced my ears
As I could hear their hearts beating
Everyone’s heart beat
As we sat their making human noise and indulging in the human experience
I could hear everything they had to say
I could see everything they were and would be
The greatness in their hearts and the flaws that marked them
Each scar and scab
Told me of their wounds in life
I could feel their voices with mine and I was lost in time
I would come to
After they had gotten up and walked away
Another would approach and sit
Except this one was different
Her name was gabby and we talked and talked all night
When the morning came she was sleeping quietly on my chest
Had a smile on my face so wide
For the human noise we made all night and the human experience we shared
I could hear her heart beating
Even as the room went dark
I could hear her heart beating

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

For the people

The work of a poet must be done
No matter the ailments
No matter the injuries
No matter the death
The work of a poet must be done
The poet mustn’t shield his eyes from the critters in his closet
Or the peering golden eyes under the bed
He must look
The must be courageous
In order for him to survive his battles
Of love
Of life
Of man
Of this world
It must be done
So the people knows
What it means to be alive
The poet must do this work in the streets with the people
He must do it in the gutter
To see truth
He must struggle to know liberation
The poet’s work cannot be squandered
Take time with your voice
For it is for the people
Take time in your message
For it is for the people
Take time in the work of poets

For it is for the people

I am young they say

I am young and that is my crutch
I am young and so more time to do things
Will come
I am young and that is my burden
Only by time
I am young so I can procrastinate for later
That amazing novel I will write
Put it down for tomorrow
That poem that leaves me breathless
Put it on the books for next week
The screenplay that will astound
I’ll get to it some day

I am young they say

This I know

If I am ever to be in love
She will be the most extraordinary girl of her gender and the most unique, that like me no twin exists
She will be beautiful in my eyes
Reflecting back into mine
She will be smarter than me
Of that I am sure
She will set me right and most of all she will make me better
She will be hilarious and I will cherish each laugh and giggle
She will be courageous
Telling me that she loved me on the first day we met and I said the same
She will be spontaneous
As we will travel at three ‘o’ three in the morning
From PDX to a spot on the globe
Picked by her blind finger
She will be all of these things and none of them
But she will be here
One day soon she will be here
This I know

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nobody knows anything

Nobody knows what is going to happen to any of us
Except the fore lorn rags of growing old
In the immensity of it
I Moan and groan for the things I must do in this weary world
Rolling my bones
Rounding around 7th avenue
In these tragic hands I do see a tired old man in the calluses on my palms and the wrinkles in my skin
In America
Born alone and stupid
There must be an alternative to the American dream of capitalism and money grubbing
That consumes the west
The east
The north
The south and anything in between
Across golden folds of America
 I need a supplication in this dream
In all the road going
In the madness of my mind
I seek the end of my travels
To rest these tired feet
From all the searching
To end at the doorstop

Of the woman I love

Visiting prison

Every day before class I sit outside
On concrete in this building that could be
Mistaken for a prison
Only it has doors and windows
And they let us leave
But they still tell us
What is right and what is stupid
What is good and what is not
Every day before class I do this and stare outside the doors and see big rolling green hills and tall tress
I want to live in the deepness of the forest
Listen to the silence of crickets churping
Birds singing and other critter making their sounds
I would sleep in the trees and eat berries from branches
Hunt for my food with the respect
That this green earth gave to me
Using all that is given
The pelt for warmth
The bones for protection and the meat for the night’s sustenance
I would walk with wolves and fish with bears and be calmed by the river
Rushing by with the beauty of clear crystal blue roaring off rocks and down cliffs
That bounces the clouds reflection back to him
In the night
The moon and the stars guide me and cool me
Soothe me to bed with the creatures of forest that dwell under me
Alas, I am not residing in the brush

But in a prison that lets me return to my home when I have done my time for the day

Finish line

It is bright out there in tomorrow and most beautiful and alluring for adventures
I am on the precipice of departure
But yet there is this one thing
That eludes me and requires one last
Pursuit of mine
A challenge for which failure is my average grade
No triumphs yet and I wonder
It my bones need reshaping or my muscles aren’t quite right or if my spine goes straight up and down?
Or is it the object of my chase that needs a transformation of body and soul?
I wonder this with such a record in failure
I wonder and wonder and wonder
If this chase is…
Too long?
Too far myself to make it to an end?

The things I say everyday

I yearn for the things we will find when it is time
The love I hold in my bed at night
The lives I may have had created in such time
An accomplished something or other in my field
Fully realized and mostly happy with the life I have lived

I shall write poetry of my wife and read it to her in our bed
She is crying and tears run down her cheek and I kiss her and make love to her
Until the morning comes
My child in our bed waking us to the sun coming in our window
On this, the most beautiful of days

I yearn for this day
It haunts me
It soothes me
For one day it won’t be just words on the page but just the thing I say everyday and every night


It is almost nap time and the children will be put to their cribs and one of which in my room
So I must hurry
I have had this thought bearing
Down my neck
I can barely hold my head upright
I was thinking of love
It Is clearly the most wonderful thing to ponder on
Whether it be an abstract concept of love that can melt the icy hearts of the hardest men
It can literally change one’s life
Or it could even be the tangible touching kind of love
Like that of which I often reminisce on

I just wonder if that part of me has died or if I am even capable of doing so again?