Monday, February 9, 2015

Soaring soul

At one time the soul was whole and could soar into the heavens and one could see a masterpiece of colors and travel far distances
Through lush jungles and forest and over high mountain tops and down through the valleys
On such travels one would see people love and people lose
Their tears and their cheers from the jubilation of light
As did the soaring soul
Slowly he lost too much
The world bittered him to a patch of disdain for all mankind
The world became too loud and scary
So many suffering souls without reprieve
Wilting away in the corners and alley ways
Where the light dare not go
Jaded by love lost and always love lost with a packet full of misadventures wrapped in her legs and arms clutching at you
Her moans of adoration in love making
The feeling of her hand on your chest
All lost to time and fate of the world that takes
And in such taking of the world the soaring soul lost its wings
Lost were the heavens to such immeasureable heights
The heavens and its angels gone separated by invisible light
Slowly the soaring soul walked the earth in long last duration
Taking in the dark until it became full on it
Now the soul no longer walks or moves much anywhere or enters into battles of love and joy
The darkness covers the corners and the uncertainty of that turn keeps the soul moving
No direction leads the soul or ambition of wanderlust
The cynicism takes hold tight and the soul disapates into a a plane of nonexistent nihilistic living
So now we search for the soul only to make the same mistakes the soaring soul made
Where once the soul was whole and could soar into the heavens with Gods angels

Friday, February 6, 2015

We do so much with our hands

We do so much with our hands
We hold thoughts and concepts like intangible dice
Roll the right sides to give us the desired result
Like the love we all seek and when I hold her hand
They are smooth and I am calm because her hands can hold my heavy thoughts
Like the pursuit of freedom that we write words about
In our pastoral settings that illuminate vast fields and jungles filled with trees we find freedom this way and get lost in the height and weight of it all
We hold life in our hands
Children so precious
In our hands
So fragile and they chose my hands to support them
I look at my hands and the calluses, the scars, the marks on them, and they tell my story without a word
I look at her hands and I can see what she lost and what she did with her hands
How they were once soft and sweet and now they are heavy like mine are now
I know I can hold them and keep her safe if she’d let me
I know the things we can do in each other’s hands and the worlds we would trek
The rocks and freedom would tumble as we would climb great mountain ranges
We would find the spirits and passions would climb if she’d let me
We could ascend together in each other’s hands
If she’d let me