Before I get started in this, I just want to make it known that I have no clue what I am doing. In no uncertain terms I am very uncertain on what I am going to be doing with this life laid before me. Now with that being said, I do know that I got some shit to say. I was watching Bill Maher the other night and he was talking about the jobs kids used to get to pay for weed and gas ( as he says, not me but still funny) as not to take all our parents have. Now though adults with experience and age do not get to work somewhere that they will feel fulfilled like what they are doing means anything but having just enough money to be broke. Now I come from pretty humble beginnings and not like a farm or something like that, but My mom owns her own daycare and my brother and I deplore school and at least I have no intention and no idea if I will finish college. My sister works at a golf course and she is younger then me and my 21 year old brother is trying to do the same. My father got laid off and although he has worked in construction for years and years and is a very intelligent man, he cannot get a job to pay for food or bills and is reliant upon a check from the government that just got reduced even more then it already was. I look at my family and myself, and I see that anyone who is in the same boat as me, well frankly we are all going to sink. We may float up to the surface if we rise unified, not trying to fit into this system that has made its sole purpose to keep us as people chained to their rules and their bills and for what. You pay your mortgage then you pay your power bill and so on and so forth until what...your dead? What kind of life is that? Not one I want and I know that if we as a people just sit and wait for Uncle Sammy to come and save us, well we are going be waiting for a long time. We have been squeezed and squeezed until people are at their last straws and the only response is that of death. The rich have too long been too rich, they take and they take and give so little for the rest of us, its about time somebody said enough is enough. Will you stand or will you sit? I hope soon I am not standing alone.
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