Sunday, June 2, 2013

Art is life

People in the world always try to put labels on things as to define them.  Scientists do this, Teachers do this, and so on to describe people by what they do and in doing so puts a definition of an individual as their profession or what music they listen to or what clothes they wear or who they have sex with. People are unique creatures made out of different slabs of clay, and in their molding to form, they have been touched by different artists as they become solid.  This solidity doe not come at birth, it does not come when reach adulthood, you become solid in death.  Throughout life one artist may love you one way and then another hate you another way, in order for you to be unique.  In this molding each person creates art from themselves. For me art is freedom, art is love, art is revolution, art is people, art are my words and I aim on creating a masterpiece that in its very concept will give you the people the inspiration that you need to love, that you need to live, that you need in order to survive.  Art is life.

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