Sunday, June 23, 2013

Refuting to rebel

Everyday I step outside the walls of my apartment I am filled up with anger so red hot it makes me want to hurt someone.  I am being poisoned by the foolishness of others who wish they had more money.  I am sickened by the illness of education.  The ailment of conformity, she stabs you in the neck and watches her toxins seep into your bloodstream but whether or not you fight her will is whether or not you conform.  Everyday I step outside I feel her influence on me as others get infected with her contagion.  The ability to be wrong is the ability to be creative and therefore if you conform then you are not creative nor are you right.  In being creative you tap into an intelligence that most choose not to indulge and then they are dumber for not doing it.  Thus conformity has reached a peak and it seems as if the people like me who are questions her hierarchy have had enough and are leaving her behind and if that makes us abnormal then so be it.  In American it is an epidemic of dropouts who see no purpose in getting a degree and i am with them on it because now everyone has one and now a bachelors has become like a high school diploma.  In that, I mean that a bachelors is the bottom academic certification you can have in order to work in this society even though those who do not have one are sometimes much smarter then those who do have it.  This is because, they are creative.  You can count the creative minds by the number of individuals who look at any system and say it is wrong where it is wrong and that it is right where it is right.  People like me and you if you read this blog, know that it is time a movement started for those of us who see the folly of a system, not just Americans but everyone worldwide needs to take a greater look at what is around them and question it even if you are refuting it just to rebel.

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