Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The revolution began on this day!

Those of us out there who think freely who say i am not okay with this government that rules across the land who say they are against war who say police and law enforcement are corrupt and lack morality...Know that this fight we have before us is not going to be easy it is not going to be a smooth transition from what is now to what is right you will have to fight.  There will be people who argue with you and challenge your ideas and thoughts and it will sound logical and practical almost to the point where you might be like oh yeah that makes sense.  You must not listen to them you must not listen to anyone but you and not even i.  This place is full of people who are so mad and content without the ability to have a free thought they have to throw rocks and stones in order for them to sleep quietly into the good night.  Not if i have anything to say about it, these words i put on these pages are not some conspiracy theories of lunatics with no rational thought, they are the realization that this world we live america is not as good as we once thought.  Kids go hungry for paper with dead faces of men i do not even know.  People are homeless by the billions because they have lost the will to live they would rather die alone in a puddle of their own sins than live in a world that has tried so hard to hide them from the eye of you and i.  We war so we can protect our business interests from people who have had our death in their wet dreams for centuries and more.  I will wait for you my brothers and sisters to realize my words are not opinion but fact, and then the revolution will begin.

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