Friday, October 11, 2013

Devil calling my name

Southern belles and bitches
Trophy wives and old men
Bud light and Copenhagen
The rising sun coming through the window where I lie my head
Hoarse throat
Cigarettes and whiskey on my breath
Racking my brain
As another day begins
Labor starts at ten and drinking comes at four thirty in the Drury Inn
Old boca raton racists and long lasting lovers tell a tale of how things began
Old divorcees dressed in black dress fits like a glove as the sands of time fall on their hands
Under the moonlit sky is a lover’s dance that is heard by the stars
Howling at midnight  erupts when drunkards write their stories for the young whipper snappers like me
After the riff raff sits around a bonfire drinking screaming
Youth and youngsters cannot be killed only freed
No bars will hold the 20s til 3
So the outdoors be open and we wild and free three gonna start up some hell and see what trouble comes for me

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