Thursday, December 4, 2014

Shivering arms

I got the bug
The poison
It's spreading throughout my veins
I let so much go and did not give it a bother
The selfies
Destruction and decay
Civil unrest and misguided violent action and its messaged buried in the rubble from the fires they made
Famine Poverty
Homeless addicts at the age of 16
Suicides and lost souls
So sad
They cut their wrist with razor blades and hang themselves with belts
To top it all off
Still all the ones who can help
Do nothing
Say nothing
To help the people of which its power is derived
While men die
Children are shot dead
And families sleep on concrete beds in the tundra of winter with shivering arms

Tomorrow's today

I need to sedate my brain
Shut it off
On tomorrow's today
Reboot return to yesterday
When all was merry and gay
To leaves turning color and the sun saying Hey!
See you on the sun's return for tomorrow's today

Where do I go?

Where do minds go when they have no place?
Where do they go for work without wax paper degrees?
Without affluenza and family money?
Without connections from mommy and daddy?
Where do I go?
When society dictates my future with predicates for joining their club?
With membership occurring of my own volition under coerced societal conditions?
Where is it that we intellectuals
Artist, rebels, anti-conformists, against the grain, walk your own path
                           Where do we go other than death?

Friday, September 26, 2014

A growl

This summer’s harvest has come and gone
The fruits of my labors have been picked clean
The fall has begun and already
The places where juicy fruits once stood have been taken and eaten
Each bite of the delectable fruit
Of its own origination
Of its own color
Of its own flavor
Of its own texture
Of its own size
All different
Yet grew the same
I remember when I walked the garden and spoke to the heavens for bounty
For harvest to be plentiful and it yielded
A gratifying answer to my supplications
With which I have been fed well
Now the garden is naked and my belly is empty and echoes...

A growl 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Thief in the night

I broke into the store at night
Its sparkling light of guidance amongst the darkness
I see it twinkle and I must have this thing
I wish I could see it as I do
The room is dancing and the sparkling lights refract off all surfaces
Hitting all of the things light can dance off of
It is shark and cold to touch at first
Drawing blood
Upon more exploration with my fingertips
It is smooth and warm
Now it is smiling and I inch closer
I must have it
A thief like myself
Only picks the most of delicate locks
Each click vibrates down her skin
Trembling and shaking from my touch
Holding her all night and she is mine
Shining so bright
Light glistens of her skin
This blessing I will not


I wonder

I wonder if she is smiling red
I wonder if she is laughing with others having a great day
I wonder if she is wearing something for me to grab on to when I kiss her
I wonder if she gets caught texting me and blushing
I wonder if I were there would she be affectionate and colorful
Will she drag me from here to there when she takes me to parties in the desert
I wonder when she is in bed at night
She is wearing clothes or is nude
I wonder when I join her
If it will matter either way
I wonder
I wonder
Until I can longer think
If she thinks of me like I think

Sunday, August 3, 2014

To and fro

Their minds are scrambled red by escape
With their needles of hope and deaths
Strung out through
Pitch black nights of hallucination
Dancing merry men
Tra-la-la-ing through the dunes
So tall and rounded
The granules of sand so small and dispersed amongst their comrades
With pills to pop
Weed to smoke
Steeped in the juices for stars and angels made devils to drink
To see
Seeing their friends killed and martyred by escape
Pushed up
On uppers
Swollen shut on downers
Pushed close to the ground
Its so hot
I can hear them sizzle
Fried eggs with their odor to resinate in my nostrils
Filled with a putrid stink
Of rotting corpses sitting
In front of me
Fixed on the ceiling
Arms stuck
A needle dangling from their arms
Mad men laughing
Women stark raving mad
Cackling to the moon
Dancing through the lunar light
Pulling them to and fro


If riches are all you seek in this world
You miss the point of existence
You have missed the mark
Where your love lies on the bull’s eye
You throw the dart a jar
Hitting the wall with so many holes
Not even on the board
Beaten and battered
The wall is almost all holes from the darts that missed their mark
The bullseye shows few marks on target
For those who came down from their mountain top to see what the people down below have made of it
Looking down at the games the people play and not quite hitting the target
For wealth is heavy and staggers the thrower to imbalance
Diluted love for things and more things
Used once and thrown away
Like old ragged game pieces they throw them about
But like all games
The pieces must go back in the box
All the cars
All the houses
The sparkling jewelry
All of it back in the box
For more players to step and play and take their turn

Will they miss the mark too?

48hrs long

It was long
Dreary and sad
I’d leave any second now
To do other things
To think
To ponder
To wonder on the self
The great big whatever
We are
What is life?
What is any of it?
To find out searching

48hr long

The ones who die young

This is the story of the ones who die young
Exalted by their deeds
They had done
The people come to be in the presence of their worlds
A discovery repeated through time
They burn bright and go boom
Like the stars as light
Their bodies lay dead in the ground
Yet it still moves
Dragging across the earth
They take too much and don’t leave enough
To those in need
They covet and want
So much
Leaving the dying young to be left above the ground wandering
Drugging up
Until the light gone black

Return to light and they die young

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Death dealers

The death dealers are all around us
Held in hands and fired with sulfur and gun powder
The tools of children
The things of teenagers
The dealings they do inhabit
Across seas
In schools
In houses
On the streets
All around slinging death to the youth
To rip through flesh and bone
Tearing spinning at hot velocity
Death has been dealt and a life is gone
A young boy
Unassuming of the shadows at work
Where the death dealers hide
Or in waistbands
Or in holsters
In a flash
The metal shards of the bullet bouncing off the road
With the body still warm
With the blood and life of this young boy
Fading fast and then he is gone

Again and again

Things that have changed me
Drugs and alcohol
Love and heartache
Poverty and homelessness
All laid a foundation to metamorphosis
For which now has inhabited the inner most crevices of my mind and by this time tomorrow
I will be changed and by this time on the next day
I will be changed
Again and again
Until I am who I will be

Such things to be true

Between the devil and the deepest of blue seas
A voice calls out in loud sharpness
Licking my ear with a needle
Piercing through with honesty
Of life
Of love
Hardships endured through the most of inconvenient of times
Thus spells a word out of nothing  
Only with poetry

Shall such things be true

Into the stones

The dusty road beneath me
Led me on
Like a pre-set path
All the history
All the old stories to be told
Surrounded me
In the brick walls
The forgotten stones
The faces dead and gone to pass
What do they say?
What have they seen in time?
The brick colored faces on the wall and with a flash
History was and is being made and has been made
As it was always to be
Each second
Each minute
Each hour
Each day
History is etched into the stones
Slowly writing the pages of a book that is thick and leather bound
Just as my pages are being written so are these words on this very page

Up in the trees

It’s in my hair way up in the trees
Way up in the trees I can see it all
The couple arguing in the sunshine and making up in the rain
The poor boy scared shaking
Under a gazebo in the breeze
The people who suffered and strained
I can see this all up in the trees
Walking along the sidewalk
I can see the new family out walking in old rain puddles as the sun breaks and shines
The church across the street
The park goes
Enjoying the new spring and the falling leaves
I can see all this way up in these trees

Void noise

I remember being in a car with my mother and siblings
Driving and the radio was on
My mother screamed at us
She shouted and we listened
The radio blathered on
My siblings and I tuned it out as if it was static on the radio
Void noise from which our ears would pick up
An empty station
Just as we were empty
Without knowledge of war
Without knowledge of tragedy
We sat in the car quiet as my mother veered off the road and stopped just as many others did
We heard as the buildings smashed into a fiery ball
Depictions of debris and people falling were retold
Over and over again
Over and over again
We heard something
In which
We should have cried
Wept for the others who had died
Yet we laughed and giggled like any other day
Too young to know of the horrors
Of an event too far outside our car
The station went dark and my mother gasped and turned
My siblings and I were laughing and playing

Our ears closed off from the empty station playing void noise


Loneliness spreading
Fast like a gas fire
The more I breathe
The more it feeds
My heart pumping fast
It feeds
Tears fall from eye
Lost lovers and failure all too familiar
It feeds
Its covering all of the house now
On the blinds and couches
The walls and picture frames
It feeds
Melted plastic toys
Slowly falling to a pool of nothingness
It feeds

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The ways of an ant

I don’t want to be an ant
Neither do I want to be an ant talking to a branch
Unable to communicate back
Walking from place to place
Plugged in and plugged out
To an electric guitar or some profound blues
Passing people by like ants do
To school
To work
To anywhere
The people all pass by
Blurred and foggy
I cannot see faces
Like ants moving to their own
Single-slotted-pre determined place
I don’t want to be an ant
I want to be seen
I want to be heard
I want to be felt
I don’t want to be discounted
As ants are
When I go to each place that I go
From school to work and back home again
An uninterrupted schedule
I want it to be disturbed interrupted
Distract me
Send me on a detour

I am so tired of living in the ways ants do

Electricity bouncing off the walls

I saw its beauty
Leather bound and wrapped
The wooden knob
Pulled tight against
Its skin
The tree covering the cover
Engraved roots and branches large
Intertwining in each other
I can feel the indentations in the leather cover
I open it
I can feel its pages sticking together
Like a boy grabbing onto its mother before it leaves the nest
They part
And the page is crisp and pure
My palm drapes down its surface
I christened it with precious words
I have chosen intentions of adoration to its wonder
Its mystifying nature
That leaves me outside of time
When I indulge in her whims
Seduced by her

Into long evenings of timeless electricity bouncing off the walls and back again

Poetry spoken with friends

There is this idea in poetry
To write as you would speak to your friends
Say fuck if you say fuck
Say pussy if you say pussy
Say whatever you wish
But do it your way
Do not
Deceive self of courage
When cowards only do so
Do not
Do as my words say
If you yourself would not do them
Much in poetry’s language it your clay as it is for a sculptor
You must contort it to your purpose
Just as you would in conversations with your friends
If you are to be a romantic
As I am
Say what you would do with your lovers and do it with the passion that you make love
Make you words count
Make your poetry count

Make your life count

Silence and solitude

I walked in from a good smoke and deodorized for these other whiny cats
You can hear their hallowed half moans throughout the night
It is like a bad memory that you wish was a dream
I sat down to write
Only when silence and solitude would allow
True silence
True solitude
These kinds of luxuries
Are not common enough
Where influence or any other man made thing
Can make me
Not me
These thoughts are my own
Just as these words
Are of my keeping and my own volition
This is the time to think
Only then can poetry be done
Can life be done
No, existence can be done

It is just a matter of silence and solitude

Friday, May 16, 2014


I arrived to the party and looked around the at the faces in this basement
A sofa next to a keg and filled with some snoody beer
I have grown to like
Working around others who like micro-brews
I sat down and time after time someone would sit next to me and I would get to know them
Time after time
I was present in each conversation
Present amongst my inebriation from beer and other things
I looked into their eyes and saw the torrential horrors that devastated their youth
The abuses
The mistreatments
The heartache
The pain and their suffering
I could see it all as their heart pounding against the walls of their chest
The echo pierced my ears
As I could hear their hearts beating
Everyone’s heart beat
As we sat their making human noise and indulging in the human experience
I could hear everything they had to say
I could see everything they were and would be
The greatness in their hearts and the flaws that marked them
Each scar and scab
Told me of their wounds in life
I could feel their voices with mine and I was lost in time
I would come to
After they had gotten up and walked away
Another would approach and sit
Except this one was different
Her name was gabby and we talked and talked all night
When the morning came she was sleeping quietly on my chest
Had a smile on my face so wide
For the human noise we made all night and the human experience we shared
I could hear her heart beating
Even as the room went dark
I could hear her heart beating

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

For the people

The work of a poet must be done
No matter the ailments
No matter the injuries
No matter the death
The work of a poet must be done
The poet mustn’t shield his eyes from the critters in his closet
Or the peering golden eyes under the bed
He must look
The must be courageous
In order for him to survive his battles
Of love
Of life
Of man
Of this world
It must be done
So the people knows
What it means to be alive
The poet must do this work in the streets with the people
He must do it in the gutter
To see truth
He must struggle to know liberation
The poet’s work cannot be squandered
Take time with your voice
For it is for the people
Take time in your message
For it is for the people
Take time in the work of poets

For it is for the people

I am young they say

I am young and that is my crutch
I am young and so more time to do things
Will come
I am young and that is my burden
Only by time
I am young so I can procrastinate for later
That amazing novel I will write
Put it down for tomorrow
That poem that leaves me breathless
Put it on the books for next week
The screenplay that will astound
I’ll get to it some day

I am young they say

This I know

If I am ever to be in love
She will be the most extraordinary girl of her gender and the most unique, that like me no twin exists
She will be beautiful in my eyes
Reflecting back into mine
She will be smarter than me
Of that I am sure
She will set me right and most of all she will make me better
She will be hilarious and I will cherish each laugh and giggle
She will be courageous
Telling me that she loved me on the first day we met and I said the same
She will be spontaneous
As we will travel at three ‘o’ three in the morning
From PDX to a spot on the globe
Picked by her blind finger
She will be all of these things and none of them
But she will be here
One day soon she will be here
This I know

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Nobody knows anything

Nobody knows what is going to happen to any of us
Except the fore lorn rags of growing old
In the immensity of it
I Moan and groan for the things I must do in this weary world
Rolling my bones
Rounding around 7th avenue
In these tragic hands I do see a tired old man in the calluses on my palms and the wrinkles in my skin
In America
Born alone and stupid
There must be an alternative to the American dream of capitalism and money grubbing
That consumes the west
The east
The north
The south and anything in between
Across golden folds of America
 I need a supplication in this dream
In all the road going
In the madness of my mind
I seek the end of my travels
To rest these tired feet
From all the searching
To end at the doorstop

Of the woman I love

Visiting prison

Every day before class I sit outside
On concrete in this building that could be
Mistaken for a prison
Only it has doors and windows
And they let us leave
But they still tell us
What is right and what is stupid
What is good and what is not
Every day before class I do this and stare outside the doors and see big rolling green hills and tall tress
I want to live in the deepness of the forest
Listen to the silence of crickets churping
Birds singing and other critter making their sounds
I would sleep in the trees and eat berries from branches
Hunt for my food with the respect
That this green earth gave to me
Using all that is given
The pelt for warmth
The bones for protection and the meat for the night’s sustenance
I would walk with wolves and fish with bears and be calmed by the river
Rushing by with the beauty of clear crystal blue roaring off rocks and down cliffs
That bounces the clouds reflection back to him
In the night
The moon and the stars guide me and cool me
Soothe me to bed with the creatures of forest that dwell under me
Alas, I am not residing in the brush

But in a prison that lets me return to my home when I have done my time for the day

Finish line

It is bright out there in tomorrow and most beautiful and alluring for adventures
I am on the precipice of departure
But yet there is this one thing
That eludes me and requires one last
Pursuit of mine
A challenge for which failure is my average grade
No triumphs yet and I wonder
It my bones need reshaping or my muscles aren’t quite right or if my spine goes straight up and down?
Or is it the object of my chase that needs a transformation of body and soul?
I wonder this with such a record in failure
I wonder and wonder and wonder
If this chase is…
Too long?
Too far myself to make it to an end?

The things I say everyday

I yearn for the things we will find when it is time
The love I hold in my bed at night
The lives I may have had created in such time
An accomplished something or other in my field
Fully realized and mostly happy with the life I have lived

I shall write poetry of my wife and read it to her in our bed
She is crying and tears run down her cheek and I kiss her and make love to her
Until the morning comes
My child in our bed waking us to the sun coming in our window
On this, the most beautiful of days

I yearn for this day
It haunts me
It soothes me
For one day it won’t be just words on the page but just the thing I say everyday and every night


It is almost nap time and the children will be put to their cribs and one of which in my room
So I must hurry
I have had this thought bearing
Down my neck
I can barely hold my head upright
I was thinking of love
It Is clearly the most wonderful thing to ponder on
Whether it be an abstract concept of love that can melt the icy hearts of the hardest men
It can literally change one’s life
Or it could even be the tangible touching kind of love
Like that of which I often reminisce on

I just wonder if that part of me has died or if I am even capable of doing so again?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

The woodlands

There is this place I would go as a child and it was better than any hotel room with gigantic flat screen televisions and plush pillows among other amenities
Better than any roller coaster that went so fast you would lose your hat and glasses
Better than any book filled to the brim with adventures to lands foreign and domestic
This place that I went to is deep in the lush green forest in a place called the woodlands
The trees in this place scale the skyline
Removing the outside from your view and thrusting you into a world of its own
At night you would hear many creatures with eyes golden peering through the bushes moving along your path making rustlings you would hear throughout the evening
It was then that the lights came out shining on us as I would take across rocky waters and up the tallest of mountains
It was said that the mountains kissed the clouds and all I knew was that I wanted to as well, and to have many adventures as I could

So I did

To live like a child

I was just looking at the children at my mother’s daycare
They were starring at a fence and saying hello to pig, to bird, to cow, to all the farm animals their eyes could see
They wondered at the simplest things
I can’t even remember what it was like to do such awe of earthly things that seem so pedestrian and commonplace today
The children ran with such glee and are so merry and so happy by just running and playing and calling me to chase them as a monster
They live so purely
I am envious of such days
When I could as they do
To live like a child and be happy without much of a reason and be in bewilderment of the wind
Of the trees
Of the grass or of bees


There was a gas attendant at a shell station on the corner of 72nd avenue and upper boones ferry rd
He was smiling and singing with the sunshine on his back
To do this is no small thing
A man whom has done this deserves my upmost admiration
Worthy of emulation
I do not remember his name
I call him smiles
Because he did so
So wide that it could not be measured
No matter what happens or how bad it may get, if I can smile

I know everything will be alright 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ink walls

There is a room in a tower
And as you
      Draw near
                Each step
                        Each stone
                               And floor
There was a table in the middle of the room
                            On the table
                        Was a typewriter

The walls were covered in ink
                          Was being written
On the wall
 A plea
         For I was visible by someone’s eye
To love me forever and ever
                         Even when ink goes empty from my pen
To love her
I, the hopeless of hopeless men
     Who look for love
Could never refuse such a request
                   I was to wait
                   In this room and see…
Aging with her and we would live together
Yet she never appeared not once
But treasures arrived in rooms on random floors
                      With a
                     In the
In another room empty
Filled with boxes of treasures bequeathed to me in times
I needed
I wait swinging along tress 170 years old
Outside the ink wall room
                                    To ones day
                                    What I have
                                   Wondered of love,
                                                 Is it
                                   Near or


The doctor said

They said I need to go to the doctor

                       He gave me a bottle of pills
Dull the pain
Eradicate of sensory memories
Banish emotions evoked in pain

                                      To be normal he said
                                               What if I don’t wanna
                                                                be normal doc?
I am mad and forever stained

A burn so long it goes from my toes to my for amen magnum
All encompassing
              Cant you see doc?....

Your just a manifestation of my creation

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


I need to read more Bukowski
More of him other poets and writers with his sentimentality and ramblings
Raving mad at the world
Because all this
    Government Political
           Dribble of idealism
 Need to stop
          It is doing me in
               I cannot take all of whys and whats
I just want a good woman in my bed
    We will make love each night before bed

Wake to her smile and he eyes that I stare into every night and every day
A smile draws across her face

For food in the kitchen is already made and fills our bellies a little too well

Something thing that would make me love like a boy once more
  As long as she is on my right
                              Or left
I don’t care which it is
As long as we meet sometime soon
                       In a bar
                          In a bookstore
                             Or starring me in the eye
Watching the very thing
          That I have lived without
                  For far too long and I won’t


Doing me in

I think that is enough of poetry…for now

A hole has been drilled out of my head

There is bone and blood flying on the wall

On my books and paintings
       On my shoes and underwear
               On my weed and grinder
There is a mess of humanity
    done in
By poetry
    That relentless clammering
       ‘Bang’  ‘Bang’  ‘Bang’
All day and night
     This poetry must stop
Except that which thrusted
           This mess on my light and my dead
I love it
   I love it
I love it in my bed
    In my head

       To defeat the snores of ugly men

I was mad

I was mad
These girls like tyranny too much
I could feel it beneath my skin

These girls like being commander
It is going to their heads
From which they perceive as perfect

They strive to be without flaws
You cannot do what you say
Pious Proud Plentiful
These women are driving me mad

I wear a mask of idiocy
A grand deception I do adorn
The long con keeps playing
With a big loud horn

Schemes of their treachery
All planned
Ring out
Yet I was mad

I was mad
They look down on me

I am sad
For the suffering they must bury

Each night before bed

Grand Father Clock

Lawn mowers purring
As the radio keeps playing
Each engine and song
I have heard many times before always different
A circle with no plateau’s and low’s
The surface plotted
Peered through
Read by
Told of
All words
All knowing
All doing
Separate receptacles of perspective consciousness
The looking glass displays
What is to be done
To be said
To have been received
Implemented or achieved
Repeatedly by the record spinning around and around
Origination to destination
That which is where your feet lay
Buttocks sit
Back may rest and has rested

 A droplet in the pond rippled and never ceases to stop on the Grand Father Clock

Brittle cheese

A gavel slams onto the oak
Rippling sound
Decibels for your auditory tracks that echo in your head like a pinball bouncing off each
Ting and jing-a-ling
Lights sparkle and songs play
It has been decided from which all that matters…matters and all that does not… does not
A panel was carefully meticulously selected in a room with no windows and a door
Days they met to come to the consensus that they have arrived at
A man who goes without too long
Loses that bit
Brittle like old cheese
Left out on the hillsides in France
Dry and rough

As the wind blow to crumble what was once strong

Friday, March 7, 2014


There is a revolver cold pressed to my temporal lobe
In magnesium burn
Bullets travel a path through my brain and out the other side for a hole in my head
Done my head right in then out with terrible hallucinations before death that have driven me mad
Fallacies of grandeur and arrogance blinding me to the truth that nothing has been broken
Yet the perspective of family
Helping me in ill times
This ravaging ailment in which I have lived in since I cannot remember
A habit of joints and whiskey may have hindered from which I can remember
But the statement remains still with delirium serums of perspective
Inducing thoughts of self contamination in this reality that I am hovering in the ozone
I can see the stars from here but sunlight has eluded my very sight
Drifting to the bottom where I see brothers gone this path of the mind
Utilizing the very things that make me see green on my skin and an alien that I am
I do not comprehend social convention of the serial conformist in front of me here and now
In every which way do they fit in
They dress alike
They seek normality
They seek career, marriage, children, and then death
From which I revel in the abnormalities that haunt their nightmares
I have wondrous dreams of the brush
Wild and free among the trees and I don’t have to worry if I fit in or succeed
Just exist in the tangential mist between my eyes and my brain

Present in the wakefulness of this plane

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Sunday mornings

These are the Tuesday mornings that I love
The ones that feel like Sundays with long walks to the park with joints and jolly people laughing and smiling all around me
It is sunny as Sunday mornings are with a brisk air that holds you as you breathe it out so eyes can see
I know everything will be alright and I am doing what I should
These are the days when I smell that sticky smoke on my fingertips and my lower lips
That is wet and filled with flavors I adore
When I have no cares or worries
People who “only want the best for me” are not telling me so
I am free and I know I will be okay
These are the sunny days where pretty girls smile at me in lone for gasoline and I smile back and do nothing

By tomorrow I will wake and everything will be as it should and should be what it is

Bouncing off the ocean

It takes time for a community to rebuild after the storm
Buildings to pick up from the rubble
Bodies to bury laid down beneath as the cost
Nature was paid
The roads broken
No pass to, within, out, nor through
Repair is necessary to attempt from the loss that has come in its wake
People gone from their families in the abyss of aftermath
Far and wide
Near and right under our noses
Even though they knew of what was to come they set barriers and sandbags at the doors
Barring down the hatches for the bracing of the storm would do no good
It hit much to their expectations 
Ripped and torn
Flesh and blood for the wager struck in years past
During the storm brush and greens were projected, thrown, and destroyed
As the sun drew over the horizon
A great view was seen bouncing off the ocean from the heavens
I could see all the angels smiling down us
Who yesterday were next to us and now they shower us with their affections

For tomorrow’s dawn will be so great they cannot wait to see it

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Just darkness

Nothing in this world is worth my impressed state of inspiration.  No man nor woman has shown a glimmer of that burst that put me down with 3 holes in my chest so long ago.  I remember who held the gun to my face as I blinked and it was all gone.  The pieces shattered with blood on the blinds and lamps broken with walls cracked.  I remember how much I wanted what would come next, but it didn't. A corpse walking in between cars, attending classes for some reason, going to work for some lifers, and all of it was for nothing and no more was I sure of going back to such a place.  It is no place for creative men with rebellious solutions, except I have no more wants and no more solutions.  A place in purgatory was set for me, and now I dwell there with no lights at the end of tunnels, just darkness.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


A home for me has been a dark and dreary spot for a man to dwell
Alone and cold hearted
Ice in my veins shaking these pale blue things from which warmth and love emanate from
A supplication I would have for this night
Is to get through it
Except I live in the darkness as other pass by

They would see my welcome mat with bright colored paintings 

Beautiful things

I miss the beautiful things that I found lost and found me in a dirty box
I miss how they drove this hand to pour blood and passion from a locked room to an open field
In this field people run as fast as they can with myopic vision of two
They retreat to the trees at night and hold their happiness with all their might
Warmer these trees grow higher than before
Swaying but staying as they move as one from now until they fall down to the floor
It never seems to be a possibility when you are flying so high and your wings flutter alongside angels’ wings

Friday, February 21, 2014

Once beautiful and new

Too long I have been in this kingdom of fools and slaves
Surrounded by the court jester as he laughs all day for others and never did you see such a humorous profession be sad
On some days you would see him around corners laughing for himself
True stories be told of his secret laughter
Kings and Queens run amuck in and out
I have seen pass in my time
Kings who were fat and rich with gold and love
Robbed beauty from the rest of us who live in this dreary dwelling
Warriors walk with large arms and fists and little brains
Rodents collect for hibernation and the cold winter ahead
Of scribe
Of science
Of mathematics
All share the same view down their noses on to us, the citizenry
We are the mob
We are the city
The one you hear
Its heart beat pound the cobblestone and dirt
This place too long, a change, has beseeched her with scars of oppression across her face

Once beautiful and new

Thursday, February 20, 2014


When women are slain with the men
A devil sets his foot on the sands where his lie fuels bloodshed of children young and old
Buildings become rubble and debris for the newspapers to show the severity of war
A mockery of the lives lost to the hand of bombs and nation for the proportionality of securities unknown or otherwise
Others who hath lived in the wake of such devastation they are new story tellers for the generations to come into their home wasteland
Poetry mustn’t waver
It must push others to stand who lost the will with the loss of their uncle’s death and the three children bloodied for men far away sitting upon their thrown from which bodies built its comfort
Poetry must be more than enough
It would be the words of which people of war torn nations could speak without tongues but make noise loud enough for the mountaintops to hear
Poetry mustn’t leave the dead gone from this world but celebrate from the things they did in life
When tyrants go unfettered through murder and genocide
Only free men who do nothing are the devils I speak of
When good men omit action they leave women and children slain bloodies with hospitals turned to morgues
It is the duty of free men to do what is necessary to move on
Poetry is the way on
Words are the way on
Noise is the way on and they will hear me

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Drifting side to side

Ahhh…The silence welcomes me as a brother and friend
A companion lost at sea
Drifting from side to side
Seagulls making noise in the back round
364 days a year
Today it has found me and made me home
Out in the middle dark blue abyss that bounces off the water from the sky
So dreary and vast
Yet today I am welcome by mother and father
Teased by my siblings
Uncle’s drunk giving unsolicited advice for future business plans not yet laid to rest
Grandmothers chatting in the corner of yesterday’s and tomorrow’s past
I am at home with the hospitality and warmth only they can give
Silence has given that to me
A calming of the rippled waters and sharp rocks cutting at my sides
Tomorrow they wait for me with mischievous eyes always fixed on me
As mine rest from tonight’s gift
Tomorrow waits and around each corner the bandits, they are laughing

Farther down the road I go

I could be remembered by my eyes or my arms or my chest that women cling to whenever we have come to that part of the night, when men and women love each other in the purity of their bodies.  Moving their bodies like they only can that drives us wild.  I could be remembered by the words used in my poetry and how it is eloquent and arrogant or passionate and filled with love.  I could be remembered for the things I have done in my time, in which ones could see me as a blunt asshole or just blunt.  I could be remembered as abrasive or passionate.  I do not know from which my memory will be displayed in the mind of those who choose to think back on me.  Right now I am alive and those who remember me can do so however they wish, but I couldn’t care less on the things rattling around in the droll sea of thoughts floating from side to side.  I am just trying to figure how I am going to live and die.  Love and cry from the love of that moment and how the music comes as it may.  I will create memories that I will be remembered however I am and right now I am making them.  Regardless how the world and people may see me, I am just going and going all day and all night until love may come when it will and so will the heartache.  Farther down the road I go.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I ain't it

They said give them the people and wipe away the debt
These people don’t even know they got a master
They don’t even know they got that leash tight around their throats
I could have just let it go but when they don’t keep their end like I know all greedy men don’t
This old traveling warrior scholar
Will set mind to pen and change
Give man power and you will sooner see it go to his head before it don’t
I wish I had left now that they got me fighting in their little revolution
Too bad for the other side I didn’t go because now I cannot stop
I will not step down from what needs doing
If that means paying the people and not the man…then so be it
Awoken of Father’s wrong doings
I do not know where to go but I know I can’t stay here
Where men go in circles to pay bills and work as to do it without stopping before the end
This world Father made for us is no world that can support humanity
Between cigarette burns and beatings of my mind
I cannot undo what has been done and led me to where I was always going
I have seen the truth and knowledge purity of them both
And such is that I cannot live like sheep
I will not
Live like cattle
Like prisoners
Who look the same and talk and walk the same according to the rules laid before them by their overlords
They best kill because I will not listen to what is not right and they are not right
I will not be lulled into a slumber with conformity playing the tune
Into enslavement these pieces of meat go but not I

Because that is death or something so much like it…I cannot tell the difference 

The Founders

In the hall of our heroes lie the dead men given to the record books
To tell their tales of courage rebellion and freedom
As we have come to a nation on this day in 2013
We have let the beasts run America
All the founders have died long ago who may have saved from this place we are in
I am not going out like this through doing what a good ole boy does
I will not go out like this
I shall stand tall for liberty
Stand tall for courage
Stand tall for rebellion
Stand tall for freedom
As does the free born
These men who never sit as to always be standing tall
Howling for freedom
The people have been caste away by the government’s dime
I don’t know about the rest of y’all
But I aint going out like this
We free born men must rebel
As to illustrate the characteristics and features of freedom
From that pull your gaze to me and watch these hands burn it to the ground
Power control man government…all of it
To take kerosene to matches and as the wind carries my fiery message
To the so called politicians door step

They will know that the people will never be theirs for the taking again

Be love

Don’t be mad
Don’t be hate
Don’t be anything other than love
Love is warm in the cold summer nights lovers shroud themselves in
Be love not something else that may be other then you or I
Be love
To quell sorrow on the coming horizon
Do not be waiting
Darkness to cover you in a relentless storm
Be love that is the sun broken through the grey with yellow sunshine

Be love

Saturday, February 8, 2014

I have never felt love before

I have never felt love before.  I have been with enough girls and women to know that by now.  I love my mother and my father and my siblings but that is a love you are born with and you just know.  Even though there hasn’t been one whom I could give myself to, I have lost myself in them and done what was needed.  I was transformed by the things we did and the things I felt.  I would call this time, localized insanity.  It happens frequently when I find someone that makes me feel nothing I have felt before.  Time and time again it would happen, and then I am obliterated.  I am not afraid of this, I welcome.  I do so, because it reminds me of my heart and how I hear it beating, even in the darkness it beats ever so loudly.  This cycle repeated and repeated and so I stopped.  I cannot and will not be the whimsy of young cowardly pretend lovers and neither will I give carnal embodiments of love.  No matter the grenade and the aftermath, I will love with the entirety of my heart.  The one who shall get my heart, body, and soul will be so great no female on this planet could measure to her prowess.  Until this person comes into my life and explodes all over the place, I will love fearlessly and be covered in the scars only lovers bear.  

I know love today

I have never loved like I have with you.  I never knew I loved someone like I love you.  It flows in all of me and I am beginning to think it may be possible to love someone so much that no matter what you do, you cannot die.  I never used to fear death not knowing what tomorrow would bring, and when it brought you suddenly I was petrified of what was to come on my deathbed if you were not here with me.  My heart never pounding against the bone and cartilage in my chest like this where bruises protrude onto my epidermis for the entire world to see like tattoos on the heart.  Except it kept spreading and spreading until my body was red from head to toe in passion.  When I was to see the next time, I would leap toward you and kiss you.  The stars would explode a merry dance across the sky that would leave me breathless in your arms as you clutch to my chest.  I never could feel so small in such small hands that could crush a grown man’s heart like yours could.  Each morning I would plead for you to stay and pull you to me hoping that today would not be the day for you to leave.  The coming days I would expect you to leave and when you were there each time, I could not imagine a more perfect woman.  I could not write or manifest such a lust and pursuit of anyone. Yet today on this day I know love and I know it with you and you alone.  

Lost and found

Can you imagine a time before now and you were bad and mean and angry, ugly as anything ever can be and then something happened…I used to be a thief, an enforcer, and filled with so much anger.  Slowly after each love I became softer still.  I only remembered one though that stuck out in my mind and she was so beautiful I could not imagine not looking into her big blue eyes.  Then one day she was just gone and no longer was I anything but broken fragmented and lost.  Nothing was left, not even me.  I lost my memory for years.  I couldn’t remember how to do it anymore.  I had forgotten my name, my life, my parents, and all of it was just gone.  Decades past I found something again leading me back to which I had come.  Yet I couldn’t have her, I couldn’t hold her, touch her or even speak with her.  Time had taken her from me just like my old childhood memories.  Were my parents loving or hating? Were my siblings similar or different colors upon the canvas? Was my love pure?  I would never know and yet I was given a second chance with all of these things.  Tears swelled up in my eye lids and felt a rush of a thousand horses running over my chest and with a bolt of lightning in the crowd, there she was once again and all I could do was stare as water filled my cheeks falling to the floor.  I belt out a scream crying loud and all the people looked at me and emotion of emotion shattered through the ice in my heart.  Engulfing me, surrounding me, devouring the fragmentation of my soul, that had been broken many years past.   I could hear my heart beating louder then I could remember, louder then hearts should beat.  I woke in the hospital to find a hand on mine and there she was.  I was stunned frozen by this miraculous reincarnation of my love.  I questioned her repeatedly as the delirium of a mad man, but she did not see a lunatic in a bed before her, just me.  No one had ever looked at me like this in my life and outside my window in the night fireworks burst over the peer as the manifestation of her touch to mine.  Machines buzzed and beeped and screamed loudly as the only way to interpret the evocation inside my skin raging.  The bulls of Pamplona running fast through the halls of the ICU as a bewildered trickle dropped down my spine.  Sensory after sensory overloading and imploding with the smile of this woman beside my bed.   


How could you know what peers beyond the face of a man?
The guy in sweats and dirty with a 3 month beard
Or behind the eyes of a stoned out boy like me
That girl in a suit and tie
What does she think lovely thoughts of
Last night’s love rumble in her bed sheets and the screams that woke her neighbor at 404am
The man reading novels at the park wearing collars and glasses and other ordinary things
How about the bum on second and broadway

What do they think behind their eyes in the silence of the night 

Smile or die

Why are we here on this earth if it is not to smile?
If it is not to laugh?
If it is not to live?
If it is not to love?
To love….To love…To love
While hands used for such brutality as war a man hands hold complex purpose with violence among none
In which hands become black and blue
Where my hands have become pink purple and red for love and passion as my heart bleed straight into my hand
Even as the sun dwindles to the moon rising
If let to roam demons shall dance across the soil for which they have spoiled in the beginning
Allowing man’s will to be done with oppression and annihilation
Where once freedom was the birth right of all of the first peoples
Where men and women were merry and naked
Joyous and filled with laughter
As the globe spun around
I declared my life for love and hate would die into the soil as the demons did so long ago

As the green trees sprang high kissing the moon with their hands 

Real poem

I want real poets
Not bullies and dreams
I want to hear the poetry of lost souls
Who talk about homelessness and the warmth of a gun in their mouths of the sensation of a needle in their vein
I want to hear real poets
Not pseudo intellectuals who do what their told
I want to hear a real poem
Where a man gets drunk and fucks the woman he loves and then wakes to her gone
I want to hear about the dark corners people visit
I want to feel real poetry
Where people are broke and sleeping on concrete mattresses
Where shuffled homeless try to find warmth food in these cold winters coming with the east wind so quick it could kill
I want to hear real poetry from the hitchhikers and drifters
Who thumb down the road and move with the wind of cars whizzing by
I want a real poet
Not one of rhymes with sycophantic supplications of god and country
I want to see a real poet who fights for bread and dollars along with the revolutionaries in the streets who do not sleep
I want real poetry from men and women who fight for the one love with words and gumption of all that they do
I want to hear real poetry of fragmented souls trying to coalesce once again

Pseudo intellectuals

He who is of books
Is ignorant of the streets as its heart beats louder and screams are the people
In which they lie on the concrete under bridges and squat in abandon building poverty warming them with a needle in their vein and a belly empty since last winter that was colder than now
The intellectuals in universities and schools so foolishly idealists withholding such an ailment poisoning the mind
For they see only a world in which a scale is put to see the tilting of the tide
If done no wonder they hug trees and stand for the institution that told them of the books they read now
To see their governments from father time
Clock ticking backwards only sees the good done
As the people lie dying off the face of the watch that stands still

The street and I see the people shivering from the cold of a government’s word for repair that bares no warmth or satiation


They came from far and from near with country on their backs
Tools for futile actions such as politics always are
The plays of men to be the overcompensation of their superficial approval from daddy dearest
Or mothers overbearing and corrupting their young for the selfish things they could never possess
Their work done detriment long ago
As it was necessary for some reason that other men rule other men and women rule other women for their cliques
They so failingly tell themselves with no repute