Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Until the next tonight

Until the next tonight

I sat as a friend to the groom in a black white tuxedo while the members of my gender
Looked the same and female abounded beauty
A best man I was to the would be groom
He was walking about with a friend no doubt
I saw them escape view
I went around to get a better view
With me around a corner to see what I could see
I could see him make an astounding mistake
Caught in the act with the bride’s jaw dropped open
She fled crying
I took after her in order to console her
But as she turned I was dead stopped in front of her face in such phenomenal attire
Beauty radiated her from head to toe and all she wore
I did what only I could and said on to her
You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen
I want you to know that
Seconds dropped like hours and minutes like days
Between sound and nothing as we kissed
We spent what felt like years in each other’s brace and kiss
What was only a second she leapt through two doors
Doing her very best to be alright
I would depart to her embrace
And kissed on the head and said I love you so very much
Only to wake in the blink of eye
My Amelia was gone disappeared
I could not chase
I could not race
I would be modest and wrong to say
I want her back in my bed
In my arms but I dismay in her absence

Until  next night I will wait for her tonight

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


At all hours love and passion tear me outward
Ribcage widened in a terrible pain I yell out for the end to be near
In such metamorphosis my heart is revealed to pumping and gushing red and red more and more
For a warm bed for two and an endless supply of such heat
In solitude I deceive myself of joy
That cold silence would keep me warm on the battlefield of love
She lay waste to many a man and boy
Yet I return to her gaze and in the night she disappears to star and dust
I see her spread her twinkling face across the night sky
In reflection she smiles on me in the darkness
Forever more do I wish this night to ripple on through the ages
Until two heartbeats beat as one
Forever more I will no longer wish for the night but only her eyes that are the stars once smiling down upon me

Now smile on me day or night she smiles on me 

All see her except I

All can feel her except I

My heart beats a thousand pulses against my chest like a knocking that will not quit
In each burst against me is a face with lips I cannot taste
Skin I cannot touch trace with my fingertips
Eyes not piercing my body in goose bump after goose bump until I am one foot taller
When I fall to slumber
I see her and her again
I feel happiness in my heart
I feel her lips
Sensation after sensation in breaths inhaled and exhaled as our bodies race

A last I wake and she is no longer in my bed and all my days I wait for her to come and haunt my dreams

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mending a fence

Building a fence
On this day more than ever I am baffled by my loss into the depths
These mazes we run through in the dark and amazingly we come out the other end unscathed
Not I
These twists and turns have got me facing 4 walls of uncertainty
Unsure which holds happiness and love for me
Which holds freedom
Which holds anything at all
I am tirelessly exhausted by the stockpiling in my mind at the barriers of my conscious reality
All of it and no of it is happening at once
It is like building a fence while someone kicks over what you just did
With no progression at all

Trying to fix a fence while it is crippled at the same time

I chase

We do a wonderful dance you and I
Where I pursue your chase
With you in the hlls by nigh and I still chase
And when your trickery lands me in the devil’s meadow
I still chase and when I grow weary and tired
I lie my head in places that otherwise be no comfort to me in a stranger’s bed intertwined
And then this stranger becomes a friend and then lover then wife and I in calcium starved bones to the chase I die on this nigh
In the streets tonight I chase
I chase
I chase
For lady poetry

I chase

Dream Sequence

I wondered to a land unreal but so real by my perspective where battle and love were one.  I a warrior led me to her arms and I woke as she disappeared from the reality of my slumber.  Then back to the visceral images of my mind where a wedding friends and I would find, and all of each other brought in two's except I. In a sneaky follow, my friends who were on opposite sides of the race met lips upon lips as they betrayed their true loves, and I followed one who was an beautiful as I had never seen with green eyes and brown locks so soft upon me. I said to her "you look so beautiful today" I walked to her and as she pressed through the doorway we met lips in front of everyone.  She smiled and then ran away crying from the crowd.  I stomped after her in a rush i had to say " I am sorry, I did not want to do that like that, I love you in fact" As I pressed my lips to her forehead and our hands intertwined, I woke with no one in my arms.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

make love enacted

I think about words I say and how they stir in mind to be set on one thing
around this world going in the wrong direction
an epiphany hits me
what it is this life is about
distraction is the attraction
movies cinema television music and the fools
who spout biggotrous iggnorant stands on Trayvon Martin
what art is or isn't
I begin to ponder words for me and love is all i need to be distracted and retracted
into her and make love enacted

You and I

Everyone in the world today has only dreams of assimilation
to be just like the rest of hypocritical endoctronation just like the rest of the population
to forget you and I and try...try...try
To be that of an eye
what will i be
a lawyer
a doctor
or maybe a teacher of anthropology
it is not enough to be content with just enough
to get by in this world of who am I's
You must not fit into a box of stocks and socks
pulled on and used on all day
for one simple purpose
work and more work until nothing is left of you and i
so try...try....try
to remember what is important
the very most importance of important is intelligence
without her gentle push no one would have freed slaves
started freedom
knowing the world as you do today
did not come from trying to be all the same

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Down the rabbit hole I go

I am so lost all the time and it is all I know.  Being lost is something that has been my life for so long, I do not know what I would do if I finally got published or had some sort of direction in my life.  I think if I made it in some way that I would just get lost again searching for something else.  I thought leaving the prison of university would set me free, but instead I was just transferred to the prison of my parent's home with no way out in sight.  Writing has become the biggest challenge for me with nothing new happening to me but my thoughts and ideas.  All I have are them, the idea of rebelling is something I hold on to like a last breath waiting to release it, in order to move on.  The idea of freedom is something I will never stop searching for but yet I am still wearing chains and an orange jump suit with numbers across my chest.   I do not even know why I write on here sometimes, it is a way for me to express myself, but with no one to say a word about it, it is like making a movie no one will see.  I wonder what is the point sometimes, even though it is therapeutic for me to write on here for whoever to see, I just do not know why I do anything anymore.  

Monday, July 22, 2013

Be love

Be love
Don’t be mad
Don’t be hate
Don’t be anything other than love
Love is warm in the cold summer nights lovers shroud themselves in
Be love not something else that may be other then you or I
Be love
To quell sorrow on the coming horizon
Do not be waiting
Darkness to cover you in a relentless storm
Be love that is the sun broken through the grey with yellow sunshine

Be love

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Old writers

Old Writers
To the great writers of my soul
I write to you in doubt
I write to you searching
Burning for the inspiration you had
The experiences that spewed the most beautiful words from your mind
To have seen dean
To have heard cassady
The wild rumblings of mad men with the fruits of their insanity on their tongue
The crazed monologues running through your head
I am engulfed in a magical mystery
Where the villain is the nightmare of my incomplete ambitions
Lost dreams in my subconscious
Lost to the black hole of contemporary society
Suits and ties chasing me into the depths of my conformity
Cornering me in an alley surrounded by the nay-sayers
Who tell me to stop
Who reek of the dreams they laid to rest
I write to you for the hopes of wild fiery experience
I write to you in fear of missed chances to dance with her in endless time
I write to you because I burn for the page
The pages that are the autobiography of my soul
Sincerely the mAd PoEt

Just be drunk

Just be drunk
Images of time terrorize my nightmares
Melting unto an eternity of wishing
That always fleeting thing
Always slipping into the realm of possibility
Shall I go or shall I stay
Shall I go on adventures or wither to dust upon an old man’s shelf
Waiting to be set upon the mantle
Victories of your youth
Well here and now the living, choose to live!
Where I am joined upon rooftops
Screaming for laughter
Groaning for love
Howling at the moon
As for the night to stay
Until the ends of time and
To those who wish to paint freedom
As to hang it upon their wall and never
Again gaze upon its appalling truth of conformity
As to be chained in the eternity of your soul to death
I raise my glass for the living
As to be drunk
Be drunk on women
Be drunk on mischief
Be drunk on the unknown
Be drunk
Just be drunk

Where the young free hipsters burn

Eyes peer from darkened street corners
Looking to make sure it is safe
Masks hide him from them
During the light of the day
He will stay in shadows
Their minds too narrow
For his soul is too grand for them
He runs too free
In a room without walls
Without ceilings
So ill keep running free
Like the nomads of the beginning
Hopeful of their presence
In the wild

Where the young free hipsters burn


In all that I do every morning a mad scramble for stimulation leaves me blank
this zombie culture of disgust and wealth pushes me forward on the aesthetic
awoken by all my senses and others not know to man
this anaesthetized way of going happy and glowing
seems spliced in manipulated genes not legally done
taken up to the conveyor belt where i am told this is how i shall make it
shows me signs of mistook children to the spaces of the gears
i write these words as the free man thinker free born tinker of what is and what should be
in this i am a D.I.Y do it myselfer

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Greed of man

The greed of man drives his obscenities
Infecting the population with lust for power
Lust for women
Poisonous toxins that permeate their beauty into darkness
His illusions of grandeur to blind him into an egotistical stooper that inebriates their souls to harm her
In mother earth he degrades
In female beauty he rapes

In humanity he breaks her

Relentless slumber

Lack of stimulation drives my mind to slumber
Where the devil lurks
Tempted by laziness and escape
Watching the tick tock of the old clock
Images of the yellow serpent floating down the black river
With my boots strapped on
With my thumb out
Invitations to strangers to warm these traveler’s bones
I dream a dream of my bag across my back with cannabis and cloth
To keep my travels at peace
I keep this dream on my tongue where I am engulfed in fleeing freedom

For this world bores me into a relentless slumber


I came through the city enticed
Drug days
Miserable afternoons
Love filled nights
I am only here for their amusement the play thing that makes them scream
Yelling in euphoric orgasmic Yes’s calling out to their God
Decibels pierce through walls vibrating off their bodies underneath my psychedelic umbrella
I lie in a protected psychotropic haze as they fade into the days through
Days to hours
Minutes to seconds
She fades to the infamous pages of my bed
Again and Again
I am the collateral damage to their selfish soul
For I yearn for the selfless soul to abound
To carry me beyond
Into transcendent metamorphosis doors

I stumble into the beautiful unknown


eloquence and intelligence have begun to dance around me
around and around they go lost to the unknown war raging in the cage locked up in my head
i do not know
walking in circles outside in the gravel roads hoping the answer will come from the clouds as they cover me
i keep going on and keeping on
nothing on my back nothing in my pockets
just nothing but my mind that does not quit like a habit i just cannot quit it

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

you and i

Slavery was to said to be over in the end of 1865 yet now more then ever they were proven to have lied
Evolution has shown to be the sleight of hand
that brings in false light
where man has been shrouded in camouflage of the eloquent delight
polite smiles dress evil men adorned in a thief's attire
Our master's haven't changed but redirected their eye
to loom gloom on you and i

Dead faces

I finally got to the point where I cannot pretend
I will not adorn masks and smile when I am red hot fiery anger that wont be extinguished nor will it be finished
I cannot count the seconds until this place is far behind because then I wont want to exist with all these fools who just come and go
I must not dream of moving beyond these falsely lit walls with magnificent colors of deceit upon them
If I were to do such, then I might leave
If I were to do that then what else might I do to be free
to be lifted from oppression
to be lifted from this bank that just cranks until you make what it takes
green paper and metallic coins with the face of the dead
upon which lies value over any such life without their praise

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lumber jack

Lumber jack

Hypocrisy chopping at thee
Like a mad surgeon hacking away pieces of me
One by one he decides what will go
I have no say on the deprivation of me
The cleaver man with all the clutter and tea
Going around fast in a wash cycle
Keeping all he trims and fiddles  in the back of me
In a box bitter and under a tree
Written in 18 languages no one will ever see
Because the lumber jack chopping it all down is free

man with the knife

Man with the knife

Freezing temperatures on these summer days
Keep me solid
Outside figures draped in shadows familiar grasp at me with talons
Cutting and pushing me with their sharp irreverent glass shattered to remake me
To lift me to their stomping grounds locked in boarding schools of their making
Put in brightly lit rooms that are dark to these eyes
Desirous of all things remembering the elders
Who sought to be commentators on life on strife on the man with the knife

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Time for falling


Ticks tocks to the chimes of the clock
Feet step and leap
Sprint and skips a beat
Beat to cheat
Cheat to longer feats
Beneath the ups and downs of that ticking and tocking
We seem to be falling
Seemingly perceive the detection and deception
That cannot be at your or my feet
Moving to unseen
Unmade greener pastures
Yet to have a home for me
Then why would it be me who is falling?
When my feet are calling for running to be made
Flights to be made

How can it be me who has to stay falling?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Mountains of man

Mountains of man

I have sat and sat in your chairs
I have read your books
I listened to your impostors of knowledge in a house of truth
Year after year I dwell in the dharma of man
Where he is awakened and educated in a building
That is no place
No place for a mind to grow so it rebels
No place where you can question their word
No place that allows the mind to paint the world in the brightest colors on the rainbow
All I asked was a challenge
Educate my mind
Do not ignore the truth
No, no embrace such a commodity that is the foundation for education and university
I only simply inquire truth and receive replies of subjugation
Now I shall become an avid seeker of such enlightenment
An artist of awakening

You shall see my pen cause flame to mind that turns the mountains of men to ash

Right or wrong?

Right or wrong?

Black and blue dandelions sprout bountifully
Through arid desert lands decorating the broken red clay
As my feet drag through the deep dark blue
In this dream world I have made through my addictions of my unfettered gluttonous desires
That I cannot say no to
I looked up inward to something deep in the sky
Sleeping on the stars as the moon cushions the hysterical madness my mind
Wasted words fallen on deaf ears
Sentences strung together to approve some selfish neuroses to always be right
Never allowed to let go
I shan’t waste my ink on the concerns of children who fuel petty tyrannical fires
I need a supplication in this dream

To tell me if I am right or wrong?

The chase

Feelings I seek

I toss and turn with my mind set to a course with one destination
Fixed on unmovable from
Without intent of escape
Her face set steadfast to the corner of 12th and tyler
Memories pressed on me fresh
Dark rooms
Voices still dwell
Music still swells
Words I do implore
The place where her and I met
Locked in and naked on the floor
Intertwined and sore
I do adore

Her forever more

going through the motions

I am just here

Drifting in a torrential trance
Moving without direction
Compass less and complacent
Neutral sadness
Without fallout
Without purpose
Stuck in a mad scientist’s nightmare induced by the finer things
Solitude not granted with the executioners at my back and yet I do not die
Yet I do not live

I am just here



I am just going
Over one huge unbelievable bulge over the west
Cold winters drooping their sparkler dims
From the moon and stars
Her beloved beauty
Voluptuous hips and plump bosom
Drops me flat
To gaze of admirability
Searching in my travels
For the thing
That thing
This thing
Eluding my fingertips for touch
Drifting away from sight
In chase I go to the frozen loneliness of the east
Falling for dreary love
So far into the gutter
In my travel’s far and wide
Never ending quest for…that thing
Which is not a thing at all, for it is unchained to belonging
Free from control
Where the existential mother says
That which is…is and which is not…is not

Sincerely The Mad Poet

To whom it may concern

God pointed forefinger straight at me
Go boy thou hence
Die for man
Go groan
Got moan
Go roll your bones alone
Wrapped up in the numbers of it all
That pulls and drulls apart
Not separate
From this
Gone from that
I am not him nor her
Coming in for temporary aid
Times of Pax Romana
Keep these tragic hands
Docile and soft
To write of tales of timid woe
None existent love
Sitting on the road
Swallowed up in the moon and the stars
Whose twinkling glean yearn for my undivided attention
Departed to see you soon
Goodbye to the road
Yours truly and mad

I say no!

I say no

They ask us to love them and love them some more
They have taken our identities from us but yet they want more
Our freedom
Our compassion
One day someone has to say enough is enough
Liberation fell on us with our first breaths
They say we must do it on our own
Groupings of individuals
Categorically placed in cages
Wings severed from flesh and bone
To go along to get along
Wear these clothes
Shave this
Exercise like this
Dance like this
Listen to that
Be a slave
Cut your hair
Stand up straight
Walk like that
Do this and do that
Go here and study what I say
Don’t smoke
Don’t fuck
Don’t love
How can they ask so much of us and give us little
I don’t know how they thought the forgotten would be silent
Well enough is enough

It is time for the silent to speak



In all this rain pouring
I opened up inward to the lord
Whom I barely even believe
Believe that you are real
I use you in need of a supplication
Am I not this and not that
Am I doing in this world filled with infinite regurgitation back to mamma
Is that turning of the tables upon the horizon
Until then all of us
All we can do is live
Live over skies in Nepal
Live in alleys in San Francisco
Just live live live!

Common death of our love

Common death of our love

In finding the path that my feet just
Beat to the groove of notes and symbols
Too long
Too short
Not perfect
In arrogant youthful confidence
I see…me
In the immensity of it
Lips kissed
Hips pressed
The longness of the road
She just goes and goes
Infinite never ending beauty allures me
Tugging pulling on me so sweet
One of those that just is
No description would be chose right
Glimpses of her and I in the night making terrible amazing mistakes
Breathing heaving
Up and down
We tangle
We together will grow to find a better way

To never see the common death of our love


Simple needs

Nobody know what is going to happen to any of us
Except the fore lorn rags of time
At the end of each night where I lie
My head
Plump warm comforting acceptance
Safe in my bed
Dead in my head
High up in the chalice red
 The go boy dead in the road
On thou road I take theses hands
To write
To love
To moan
To groan
To fight all alone
I will live in gleeful bliss of the impending inevitability
Yet the road does not take me I travel her always
In the last pages of my adventures
I will go forth on this land
Bent crooked and stupidly
I will hug those who need me because I am pooh bear

With simple needs for honey 

No one dies alone

No one dies alone

Born alone and stupid
Angry boy
Go moan
Go groan on that road alone
With a thousand arms reaching
With their forefinger pointed straight at you
Bent up
Broken from those gentle hands soft
Up rooted by Dean Moriarty in my life through
Life through a scope
On all that road going
With this epiphany laid upon this decaying mind
Bent to another a corner turned and gone fast
As I watch the stars dancing across the night sky
No one can do this road alone
Nobody knows
The turning of tomorrow’s page
So boy don’t roll your bones alone
Being stubborn and stupid
Go forth and go
Go forth and go
Just go
Hand in hand with your summer’s delight
Supple sweet tasteful

I say would I not die alone

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Fuck Oregon

I say this to any and all employers, politicians, news reporters, and who ever the fuck said that there are jobs to be had, your so full of shit it is not funny.  Labor work does not count for men and women with intelligence this country slowly is turning into pragmatic production lines working just to exist and not caring if they are pawns for rich corporations.  I am a man of intellect and decided I do not need a degree to validate myself or to empower me, because for me it is not empowerment but enslavement.  So I put my mind to writing and poetry because they are all that matters, and decided I would get a job doing something as long as to sustain myself and live in order to write.  Someone decided that being a dishwasher or some other food  service position required rigorous vetting, when you could have a monkey do that job and yet people are unemployed. In my home state of Oregon, people are homeless in unprecedented numbers along with the unemployed.  Why? Because corporations and employers need to vet dishwashers so intensely that people return to school just so they can get a job as dishwasher.

Seasons change

Seasons change

A river of impasse washes over me
Legs broken for time unknown
Pathways closed
Fire burnt out in so far as I have seen
Surrounded by the dreamless and the elderly
Forgotten passions dust blow in the wind decades past and slumber begins
Hibernation for winter
Snowy tundra coldness
Yet fires blaze in lands foreign
Engulfing waters not on surface but beneath lies embers still burning and autumn breaks in time for reopened roads and forgotten pastimes
Passions revealed to have never fallen to ash but lay dormant waiting for the snow to change


Fall back on words

Grey clouds descend upon me in the brush
Where I lay
Nor her
Nor anyone comes adjacent from me
Just I
In laborless days
Penniless days
Filled with images of should be’s and do this’
Memorization comes upon my head but washes away
Compliance and conformity does not stick
Only what I am going to do’s and Fuck you’s
Words are my critiques of deplorable manifestations
Words are my rebellious articulations

Words are my rejection of label manufacturing and implementation

Man or Boy?


I forgot about revolution and decided on revelations
Children’s choices
Men pretending disguising
Poverty takes more than names but manes
Moms to be broken along
Crooked intellectual gone on loan
Replaced by groans and moans
Wannabes and bums

Wanting to be men like me

Metal less men

Melting metal from men

Along this river bed
I lay my head
Seeing the footsteps led
By old new vagabonds dharmas true
From god and not
Theologically made up kings
Belief or not nature holds the bed where I shall rest
I will face tests that make me go mad from the men made from metal
Shining off the sun reflecting her beauty
Revealing hidden untreked paths and such is where I write from
Where I sit in time contemplative tomorrowing
Sitting presently awaiting truth from the silence of introverted inspections
Where I melt the metal of men

Yin or Yang or Both

Metaphysical paths

On the background of the sky
The stars sprinkle across
As the night eaters chew
Flying underneath the evenings eye
Intertwined lovers
Miss the blissful
Net of randomness that washes over them
Unseen hatchings lent to only sensations vibrations
Ripples in time
We step through
Strife and life
Wife husband
Single solitary
Fatherless or motherless children
If that pebble drape in a different slanted diagonal projection
Time may postpone deter previous ramifications
Where sorrow and blues follow others
Happiness and bright skies cover others
To see the wonder of positivity hidden in negativity pry open cans of change and possible metaphysical paths

I will wander until in order to commit to such a task



Pretty colors smiles
Laughing mocking
Granite countertops
Fearful clones
Watching glamorized gladiatorial news
Stainless steel
Rotting away
Muse less and immobilized thoughts
Gold cards and memberships to death receiving coupons for a little less
I sit starring
Teetering back and forth

Parched thirsty unquenched

Green skies

Green skies

I figured them
Ostentatious extravagant images
There is not much to their rudimentary composition of symbols in speech and tongue
Obedient conformity surrendered
Sensations tied to perceptual dollars things stuff
Good for nothings
That carry strings over you to dance
Hanging high above
Step left and step right
Arms thrown about
Back bent over
Unwilling to see the sky green only blue

Just because they were told to



Blinded ocular spectrums
Burned by
Corneal destruction
From flat surfaces
Copied replicated duplicated
Similar thinks
Locked up in this Klink
Barred from intellectual elevation
Shunned by its very lack of existence
Mind shattered to two
Linked by opposing perceptions
Seen freedom inside and on the outside
Beautiful flowers lie out of reach by me
Fresh air lost to my olfactory receptors that no longer no fresh oxidation
So I carry a bottle of orality close to me

Intellect chosen to standing and unrelenting

Glass figurines

Corner to corner

Hands far away
Pulled in by
What they would kill thy
Luxurious whimperings
Children clothed disguised in their father’s clothes
In illusions of grandeur
Pedestal raised high with toes dangling 
Conceptual paradigms leaders thought to be
Tiny tyrants clothed in polite diplomacy
Show their badge in which they honor
Of talons and empty minds
Gone does their brain go
Washed over a million times
Filling catacombs with dust and mold
Angry greed ridden junkies for power
Who grabble for glass figurines

Moved like toys to the corner



Convergent cognitive collectives
Cool fools
Cats cruel
Crude communications
Carry corrective resuscitation

To revitalize unintelligible fools destined for replication

Scraps of truth

Scraps of truth

Sitting Starving
Unquenched thirst
Miss stimulation from their think
Protuberant assimilation
From theses petty tyrants
Who extort me for their Klink
Family trees
Christmas dinners
Smiling untrue
Where I go I choose
Not for others who plead greed

Only for the scraps that erupt my impoverished mind