Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just be drunk

Just be drunk
Images of time terrorize my nightmares
Melting unto an eternity of wishing
That always fleeting thing
Always slipping into the realm of possibility
Shall I go or shall I stay
Shall I go on adventures or wither to dust upon an old man’s shelf
Waiting to be set upon the mantle
Victories of your youth
Well here and now the living, choose to live!
Where I am joined upon rooftops
Screaming for laughter
Groaning for love
Howling at the moon
As for the night to stay
Until the ends of time and
To those who wish to paint freedom
As to hang it upon their wall and never
Again gaze upon its appalling truth of conformity
As to be chained in the eternity of your soul to death
I raise my glass for the living
As to be drunk
Be drunk on women
Be drunk on mischief
Be drunk on the unknown
Be drunk
Just be drunk

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