Saturday, June 15, 2013

As a poet

I might alienate myself by calling out people who speak in public to be doing something with merit.  Speak of justice and it shall be so.  Speak of change and it will begin to flow.  Speak of revolution and you feel the spirits of all your brothers and sisters turn and listen to you with the eyes of determination and focus on the rumblings of this loud voice.  If you speak of love do so in such a manner that denotes pleasure not fetishization of women as your cool new play thing.  If you speak of confusion and loss do so in a way that brings inspiration to others who join isolated in their own introverted mind in their secluded place in plain sight.  If you are a poet say something that matters for others as to make them feel your words with such veracity that no matter how quiet you whisper them they are shaken to their core as if they were falling into a deep dark hole and your words and my words was the light that allowed them to find a way out instead of preaching and tooting your own horn as to distract them from misery which surrounds us

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