Saturday, June 22, 2013

You Matter

We as children grow up loving creativity and yet when we draw something or paint something and it is brought to the judgmental eye of our parents it just doesnt cut it.  It is crude and undeveloped but then it would be the eyes of our parents whose eyes are not working to envelope on the idea of imagination and creativity. Then we go to school and hardly pay attention to anything that the teacher says and that is because she is or he is under the mask of narrowness and i do not mean they are thin or something but their minds lost the ability to the intelligence in art.  Their minds sought only by sciences and technology which makes it easier to be perceived as intelligent.  So next time you sit in class and think on the reasons why you are failing or receiving a D, its not because you are not smart but it is because your intelligence does not come with a mac book that makes it easy to be perceived as smart.  If you draw, If you write, If you paint, If you tag on street  walls, you are smarter then the ones who blindly sit and nod and say nothing for you are the changers, the movement makers and revolution keepers with one message for all to hear and that is never stop rebelling against anything that tells you are not good enough in anyway because contrary to the words of passionless adults you do matter.

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