Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Spider bites

In my mind lies webs of stories and ideas and paradigms that run like unparented children screaming unknowing of what to do so they break and smash and thrash to come on through.  These webs go to places of chaos where these spider children grab onto me for as long as they wish biting me with inspiration and creativity that colors me orange and red.  Listening to intellectuals speak against the way things are causing their bite to form hallucinations of a revolution in my mind where i am the speaker in which people listen and change consciousness of subconsciousness resurrecting the fallen zombies back to life with air and words.  Then my mind has a vision of love in which I am entranced in her kisses and marks left on my arms from her screams from stimuli she never had on record leaving me marked with her wild ecstasy ridden screams and so i write of the love we made that night.  Perhaps the day comes where I must leave and take my bags boots books and mind to the road and walk where so many lost boys went supplicating for a better way.  He who I ask of does not answer nor reply but just ignores my thoughts like rain drops slipping off a window during a cloudy day.  Then I come back to and no supplications, no love, only revolution keeps her mark on me black red and mad and so it was the revolution of our minds began here and moved to disobedient thinking and rebellious collaboration to ensure the hardships we face bleed to the page of the few who decided it was okay to take ownership around my neck, but no more shall free thinkers be shackled to poverty in a capitalistic system.  Today is the beginning where you asked why and then made it so.

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